Dec 07, 2017 | Janie Kelloway | 2467 views
Santa's Helpers
With the Christmas season approaching the MD7 White team wanted to lend a helping hand to a less fortunate family in their community. The team heard about a seven year old boy living apart from his terminally ill Mom and immediately the team knew they had to assist in every way possible to brighten this family's Christmas.
In order to raise money to buy Christmas gifts, the boys joined forces with Boston Pizza and worked as Celebrity Servers throughout the evening of December 3rd. Friends, families and neighbours came out to support the boys in their quest as the young men got to work delivering food and drinks, clearing tables and selling raffle tickets while also asking guests to submit their receipt into a box at the end of their meal. The boys explained they were raising money for a family in need and BP would give them a percentage of the total amount of all receipts submitted. Although the boys were exhausted at the end of the night, they all had an amazing time working together towards a common goal. Their hard work far exceeded anyone's expectations earning over $700.00 from raffle ticket sales and BP contributions. Because of the success, the team was able to touch the lives of a few families in their community rather than just one.
These boys are a true example of what the Christmas spirit is all about and are proof that you are never too young to make a difference in someone's life.
Congratulations Toros, your success far exceeds what you do on the ice.