Coach Application (Clarington Minor Hockey Association)

Coach Application
U10 A Coach Application. Closes March 29th @ 11:30 pm

Personal Information

Position and Team Information

Coaching Qualifications


Please read carefully.


Coaching applicants must meet the following minimum credentials to be accepted as a potential candidate. While these minimum requirements are specified, the coaches selection committee reserves the right to waive these requirements if there is no suitable qualified applicant or advertise for new applicants.

U10-U11  AA & A (Atom)

  • Minimum Coach 2 certification as accepted by the OMHA or applicant must provide proof of being registered in and completing the Coach 2 clinic before August 1st of the season applied to coach in and
  • 1 year as head coach or assistant coach of a select or Rep team or
  • 2 year as head coach or assistant coach of a House League team

U12-U13 AA, A & BB  (PeeWee)

  • Development 1 CERTIFIED  Registered as accepted by the OMHA or applicant must provide proof of being registered in and in process of completing a Development 1 CERTIFIED clinic before August 1st of the season applied to coach in and
  • 1 year as head coach or assistant coach of Peewee select or Rep team at Level applied for (AE, BB, A, AA, AAA ) or
  • 2 years as head coach or assistant coach of a select or Rep team or
  • 3 years as head coach or assistant coach of a House League team

U14-U15 AA, A & BB (Bantam)

  • DEVELOPMENT 1 CERTIFIED as accepted by the OMHA or applicant must provide proof of completing requirements for DEVELOPMENT  1 CERTIFIED Certification before August 1st of the season applied to coach in and
  • 2 year as head coach or assistant coach of Bantam or Midget select or Rep team at Level applied for (AE, BB, A, AA, AAA ) or
  • 3 years as head coach or assistant coach of a select or Rep team or
  • 4 years as head coach or assistant coach of a House League team

U16-U18 AA & A (Midget)

  • DEVELOPMENT 1 CERTIFIED as accepted by the OMHA or applicant must provide proof of completing requirements for DEVELOPMENT  1 CERTIFIED Certification before August 1st of the season applied to coach in and
  • 2 year as head coach or assistant coach of Bantam or Midget select or Rep team at Level applied for ( AE, BB, A, AA, AAA ) or
  • 3 years as head coach or assistant coach of a select or Rep team or
  • 4 years as head coach or assistant coach of a House League team

New OHF Player Movement Regulations:
Please visit OHF Player Movement announcement to review the latest information regarding player eligibility for tryouts as well as the new tampering policies.

Coach Selection Process for Open Positions

All candidates must submit a completed CMHA coaching application.

All candidates must meet the minimum requirements set out by the CMHA.

All candidates must provide a “basic outline” of their season plan.

All candidates must provide a list of any people they are considering for their staff.

All candidates must provide a contact name for the last association they coached.

All candidates must provide a full team contact list from the last season coached.

Not including one of these requirements may lead to the removal of the candidate’s application from the process.  NO e-mail submissions will be accepted.

Only those applicants considered for an interview will be contacted.                         

Coaches are notified at this time that the CMHA Coach Selection Committee must approve all coaching staff and that the CMHA Coach Selection Committee will have the final say on all coaching staff.   

Coaches are advised that they are NOT to announce any coaching staff members until the CMHA Coach Selection Committee has approved them.

Coaches may be instructed to take on a staff member chosen by the CMHA Coach Selection Committee from applicants for head coach or asst. coach.

All coaches and staff are required to sign a Code of Conduct and a Principles and Ethics Standards form.  Refusal to sign will lead to removal from the team.

Coach applicants are required to submit a signed Criminal Offence Declaration, and where required by CMHA Policies, a (recent) Police Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Clearance Check at time of interview or proof of application for PRC. 

All Coaches and staff are required to submit a (recent) Police Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector Check, as condition of acceptance, then afterwards every two years. This is completed through the OHF submission portal: HERE

By signing this application potential candidates agree they have read and understand and will follow the outlined requirements.

I certify that the above information represents a true and accurate detail of my qualifications. I hereby grant permission for authorized agents of

CLARINGTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ( CMHA ) to contact references with regard to all like and similar matters that may pertain to my “ability to” and “manner in which to” perform all duties and obligations to which I submit this my application.